Persistence is essential to get to your goal. All great and successful people have exhibited undying persistence in their lives. Every endeavor you embark upon in your life will eventually run into a difficult period and 99% of people give up during this period. Only the remaining 1% succeed. If you are going through that difficult period and you persist, you are pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. We can only grow through resistance.
Here are some tips to encourage persistence in you:
- Clarify your reasons for your goals. If your reason stirs up strong emotions inside you, then you will be more likely to persist at that goal.
- Break down your goals. Take baby steps and celebrate each small achievement and you will begin to enjoy working on your goal.
- Find a way to keep score. If you know you are moving forwards then you'll be more inclined to work harder towards your goal. However if you are moving backwards, work out why.
- Believe in yourself. Visualize yourself achieving your goal.
Persistence is usually a key factor that separates the average from the exceptional. Think about how easy it is to be catapulted to the top 1% when you persist. You will get a major head start in your endeavor if you persist. The best thing is anyone can persist. Think about a race with 100 contestants. You can be first just by simply persisting. No knowledge or skills required. It is one the best deals you will ever get.
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