The main theme running throughout the whole book is the notion of thought. The current hype about the law of attraction rests its foundations on the notion of thought. Thought can bring love, happiness, money, and guide you through life. My opinion? I truly believe in this. The theory is approved of by great thinkers of old and modern times like Napoleon Hill, Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Emerson, Robert Kiyosaki, and Bill Gates. For a previous post on the notion of thought click here.
The law of attraction is in fact very simple: what you think is what you will attract. It is analogous to the well established phenomena of resonance. You've all seen the soprano break a wineglass just by singing the right note. What is physically happening is the soprano sends out a wave or a vibration of air molecules. This vibration travels through the air and everything (including the wine glass) in the surrounding vicinity will begin vibrating at the same frequency. Now the wine glass has a particular property called the natural frequency - in fact all objects have a unique physical property called the natural frequency. Physics tells us that the closer the frequency of the singing to the natural frequency of the glass, the more vigorously the glass will vibrate. So as the soprano hits the right note, one that is very close to the natural frequency of the glass, the glass will shake so violently that it'll break.
Same deal with thought. When you think, you send out a thought of a particular frequency. As a result, all surrounding things will begin vibrating. In particular, things which have the same or similar natural frequency to your thought will vibrate violently. And that is how the law of attraction works. By sending out thoughts, you will 'be in tune' with objects or situations which have the same natural frequency as your thoughts. You can apply this to all aspects of your life whether it is money, fame, relationships, or health. And that is the basic essence of The Secret.
I recommend The Secret if you have not come across the law of attraction before and you can buy it at a discount here.
The Secret is the latest and by far the worst example of a HIGHLY profitable trend where self-help gurus with fabricated new age titles and little relevant education, credentials or legitimate expertise brainwash us into believing that they know what is best for us, our marriages and our families.
Often their only contribution to society is introducing some exotic sounding, new age philosophy. However, they often cleverly form an incestuous group of like-minded “experts” who cross-promote each other by swearing their success is due to following the beliefs of another member of their “cult!” All the while, they ply the airwaves jockeying for an ever-larger audience by appearing in the national media to garner third-party endorsements.
The Self-Help Movement has become the Self-Destruct Movement by diminishing or destroying our critical thinking skills to choose and evolve on our own. We have given up the freedom to build healthy lives, marriages and families based on our unique history and life experience. Instead many victims, blinded to the value of their own life experiences, are attracted to the latest secret in self-help, in an attempt to find out what they should think, feel and how they should act... this is the definition of a cult.
The solution is a return to our (common) senses! The best way out of this learned “self-helplessness” is to go cold turkey. Stop following ALL self-help gurus now. Begin, instead, to reclaim your natural, God-given ability to think for yourself. The common sense that was once readily available to all of us is still there free of charge and waiting to be applied to just about any challenge we might face in life… all you have to do is use it.
Please, let's all work together to stop the flock of "sheepeople" who blindly move from one UNPROVEN concept to the next, looking for the answers to life's challenges that you already possess and that is the OBVIOUS!
John I understand how you feel and there are bound to be thousands of other out there who share your view. I believe the law of attraction has been too hyped-up and commercialised recently which has given rise to a horde of unworthy products or even scams. This is inevitable and happens to pretty much anything which is 'hot'.
However just because there is excessive attention on the law of attraction at the moment does not mean that the whole idea is undermined or unsubstantiated. In fact, the law of attraction is an ancient idea which has evolved through generations. It is what you might call 'wisdom' (and definitely not a cult).
Of course I do not expect anybody to accept the law of attraction without first experiencing it. I would encourage everybody to try it out and see for yourselves. Remember to start with small goals and then build it up. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised!
The way to a happy life is not The Secret. It is to let go of the rock at the bottom of the stream and go with the flow.
It does not matter what you want or how you think you can make it happen.
Long before you arrived on this plan of existance you decided what you wanted to learn and no matter what you want you will go where you need to, to learn it.
So quit fighting against the flow and go with it.
It will take you where you need to be, no matter where you think you should be.
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